History from 2007 to 2020

The EUCEET Association was founded on 12th March 2007, under the Belgian law. The founding members of the Association were:

    • Prof. Marie-Ange Cammarota (Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées Paris),
    • Prof. Iacint Manoliu (Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest),
    • Prof. Jean Berlamont (Catholic University of Leuven),
    • Prof. Laurie Boswell (City University London),
    • Prof. Eivind Bratteland (Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim),
    • Prof. Gyorgy Farkas (Budapest University of Technology and Economics),
    • Prof. Pericles Latinopoulos (Aristotle University Thessaloniki),
    • Prof. David Lloyd Smith (Imperial College London).

The first General Assembly of the EUCEET Association took place in Warsaw, on 24th October 2008. The following Administrative Council was elected for a 2-year term:

    • Prof. Roger Frank (ENPC Paris), President
    • Prof. Jean Berlamont, Vice-President
    • Prof. Laurie Boswell, Prof. Marie-Ange Cammarota, Prof. Pericles Latinopoulos, Prof. Nicoleta Radulescu (TUCE Bucharest) - members

The Administrative Council nominated Prof. Iacint Manoliu as General Secretary and Prof. Jean Berlamont as Treasurer.

A decision was taken to have the permanent secretariat of the EUCEET Association located in Bucharest at the following address:

Technical University of Civil Engineering
EUCEET Association
Bul. Lacul Tei 124, Bucharest 020396

The second General Assembly of the EUCEET Association took place in Paris, on 20th November 2009.

The third General Assembly of the EUCEET Association took place in Barcelona, on 3rd December 2010. The following Administrative Council was elected for a 2-year term:

    • Prof. Jean Berlamont (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) - President
    • Prof. Benjamin Suarrez (Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya Barcelona) - Vice-President
    • Prof. Marie-Ange Cammarota (Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées ParisTech), Prof. Roger Frank (Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées ParisTech), Mr. Colin Kerr (Imperial College London), Prof. Pericles Latinopoulos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), Assist. Prof. Marina PAantazidou (National Technical University of Athens) - members
      The fourth General Assembly took place in Patras, on 25th November 2011.

The fifth General Assembly took place in Pisa, on 9th November 2012. The following Administrative Council was elected for a 2-year term:

    • Prof. Diego Lo Presti (University of Pisa) - President
    • Prof. Laurie Boswell (City University) - Vice-President
    • Prof. Jean Berlamont (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), Prof. Roger Frank (Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées ParisTech), Assist. Prof. Marina Pantazidou (National Technical University of Athens), Prof. Jose Turmo (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Barcelona), Mr. Colin Kerr (Imperial College London) - members
      The sixth General Assembly took place in Moscow, on 15th October 2013.

The seventh General Assembly took place in Vilnius, on 24th October 2014. The following Administrative Council was elected for a 2-year term:

    • Prof. Diego Lo Presti (University of Pisa) - President
    • Prof. Laurie Boswell (City University) - Vice-President
    • Prof. Jean Berlamont (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), Prof. Linas Juknevicius (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University), Prof. Piotr Berkowski (Wroclaw  University of Technology), Prof. Jose Turmo (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Barcelona), Prof. Vladimir Alekhin (Ural Federal University Ekaterinburg) - members
      The eight General Assembly took place in Florence, on 23rd September 2015. 

The ninth General Assembly took place in Cluj-Napoca, on 29th September 2016. The following Administrative Council was elected for a 2-year term:

    • Prof. Laurie Boswell (City University) - President
    • Prof. Diego Lo Presti (University of Pisa) - Vice-President
    • Prof. Jean Berlamont (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), Prof. Linas Juknevicius (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University), Prof. Piotr Berkowski (Wroclaw  University of Technology), Prof. Anca Popa (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca), Prof. Vladimir Alekhin (Ural Federal University Ekaterinburg) - members
      The tenth General Assembly took place in Ekaterinburg, on 5th October 2017.

The eleventh General Assembly took place in Barcelona, on 6th September 2018. The following Administrative Council was elected for a 2-year term:

    • Prof. Laurie Boswell (City University) - President
    • Prof. Jose Turmo (UPC Barcelona Tech) - Vice-President
    • Prof. Diego Lo Presti (University of Pisa), Prof. Linas Juknevicius (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University), Prof. Anca Popa (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca), Prof. Vladimir Alekhin (Ural Federal University Ekaterinburg), Assoc. Prof. Jose Antonio Lozano-Galant (University of Castilla-La Mancha) - members

The twelfth General Assembly took place in Paris, on 4th October 2019.

The thirteenth General Assembly took place online, on 18th September 2020. The following Administrative Council was elected for a 2-year term:

    • Prof. Jose Turmo (UPC Barcelona Tech) - President
    • Prof. Linas Juknevicius (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University)- Vice-President
    • Prof. Jean Berlamont (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), Prof. Laurie Boswell (City University), Prof. Anca Popa (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca), Prof. Vladimir Alekhin (Ural Federal University Ekaterinburg), Assoc. Prof. Jose Antonio Lozano-Galant (University of Castilla-La Mancha) - members
      The fourteenth General Assembly took place in the hybrid form, in Thessaloniki, on 12th November 2021. 
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